Suddenly Last Summer, takes place in a tropical New Orleans garden. This steamy hothouse was the property of a dead poet, Sebastian, whose life was a work of art. That at least is the view of his mother, who is so anxious to preserve his idealized memory that she is prepared to go to any lengths to have his cousin, Catherine, stop babbling. But Catherine has her own story to tell about accompanying Sebastian on a Spanish island vacation that ended in violent tragedy. In this 90 minute play, Williams, at his most poetic, cracks open a can of worms that explores unspeakable taboos (as seen through the lens of America ’s repressive political atmosphere of the 1940s and 1950s), the consuming nature of desire (both human and cosmic), and the destruction and reconstruction of identity.
Jacklyn Maddux as Violet Venable*+ Matthew Kerrigan as Dr. Cukrowicz+ Beth Thompson as Catherine Holly+ Luisa Sermol as Mrs. Holly* Steve Vanderzee as George Dana Millican as Sister Felicity Rebecca Ridenour as Miss Foxhill *Member of Actors Equity Association +Member of Shaking The Tree Performance Group |
Suddenly Last Summer